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Enjoy your backyard –damages and leaks to be aware of, and ways to save water in summer.

Enjoy your backyard – damages and leaks to be aware of, and ways to save water in summer.

Summer is finally here – which means it’s time to relax and enjoy the sunshine, daylight savings, and fire up the backyard BBQs. In addition to trips to the beach and other outdoor activities, your plumbing can get a real workout in the summer heat. And let’s be honest, the last thing you want to deal with during the warmer months of summer is a plumbing problem!

It’s also a time to be aware of water use, so your bills don’t skyrocket. While some areas may be prone to droughts or see government-imposed water restrictions, with small changes and minimizing your use. You can make every drop count and, in the process, save your wallet and the planet.

Here are some summer plumbing concerns to be aware of and tips on how to save water:


Summer is a great time to get the sprinklers out, whether that’s to keep the grass green or let the kids run through them to cool off. However, frequent use can cause them to leak or burst, leading to corrosion and water wastage. Summer tends to be a time when parties and gatherings occur for the holiday period, increasing the tendency for people to accidentally step on and damage your sprinklers. Damaged or leaking sprinklers can be hard to notice, as the water is absorbed by the grass.

Unfortunately, damaged and leaking sprinklers can result in high water charges, so it is worth checking if there are any leaks or damages before you get surprised with your next bill.

Leaks in outdoor pipes

Like a damaged sprinkler, a leaking outside tap or faucet can be hard to notice. Always double-check them, as the danger with outdoor leaks is that they could be wasting water into the ground, creating a swamp-like situation and in turn attracting insects like mosquitoes. It can be even worse, especially if water penetrates the walls or foundation of your home. Sometimes these features begin leaking through wear and tear.

Leaking pipes can occur for several reasons, with a common summer one being tree roots that damage pipes as they grow down to seek moisture during the warmer months. A tell-tale sign of this is backed-up water anywhere in the house. If you’re unsure of what to look for, check out our resource on maintaining your pipes.

Low-Flow Appliances

In the summer months, there is a tendency to use more water since more people are at home having gatherings (meaning more dishes to wash and more cleaning), more activities requiring water, which result in more showers, plus watering the lawn and garden. Installing low-flow devices such as toilets, faucets, and showerheads can be one of the best investments you can make – for your pocket and the environment, ensuring water isn’t wasted. Low-flow appliances can also include energy-efficient dishwashers and washing machines that use less energy and water. In addition to low-flow appliances and fixtures, saving water is easier than it sounds, and by conserving water, you’ll be rewarded for your efforts with a lower water bill.

Even small changes can have a significant impact on your water usage. In addition to installing water-saving fixtures, it’s important to update and replace fixtures when needed (even high-quality fixtures wear out over time with use), as this will help you get the most efficient use of water.



Enjoy your summer! It’s the best time of the year to gather around with friends and families and enjoy the outdoors with warmer weather. With some simple checks and measures, you can make sure you avoid a summer plumbing disaster and save water in the process.

While there’s no perfect solution for how to save water in the summer, each home and water usage habits are different, therefore, your approach to saving water in the summer will differ depending on your needs, activities, and size of your home. You can use some simple water-saving measures and make small changes to conserve water and make sure your bills don’t blow out. After all, no one wants a New Year’s surprise with a massive water bill.

After doing a check yourself, if there’s anything that sticks out to you, don’t hesitate to contact us at Flowtech Plumbing and Gas on 0488 097 677 for any questions or to book a plumbing inspection. Our reliable Adelaide plumbers are here to help ensure your summer is stress-free and your plumbing is in top condition.


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